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Join a community of nonprofit innovators

We want good to scale. Empowered teachers, diverse entrepreneurs, stronger leaders. You are invited to join a community of innovators using technology to do good.

Tech isn’t what you do, but it’s part of everything you do.

Picking the right project management tool is challenging. Building integrations between your accounting software and your donor CRM is more daunting. Talking through these challenges with other nonprofit leaders who know your pain can help. By joining this community, you will have the opportunity to:

Discover new software.
See how similar nonprofits use software to execute their mission.
Hear stories.
Read case studies about nonprofits deploying technology in remarkable ways.
See under the hood.
Go “behind the scenes” to see how successful nonprofits set up their tech stack.
Build relationships.
Connect with nonprofit leaders who embrace technology.
Meet with tech experts.
Participate in expert-led discussions tailored to nonprofit tech challenges.
Learn from peers.
Learn from hands-on workshops with your peers

Apply to join

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How would you like to engage with this community?

Nonprofits we’ve sent

To the moon and beyond

NetWork Kansas

Giving tools to community leaders to support entrepreneurs.

Kansas Beats the Virus

Software to inspire Kansans to lead.


Delivering a digital survey and analytics tool under a tight timeline.

Learn how we can help. It starts with one small step.