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Admissions Data Portal

Capturing data to measure what matters.

Axiom Healthcare Services
Health & Human Service

The Vision

Axiom Healthcare Services is a healthcare services company that works across multiple verticals and is primarily focused on senior care. They launched two new behavioural health hospitals in two years and knew that measuring performance would be essential to run top notch facilities. With accreditation from the Joint Commission also on the horizon, Axiom knew that clean data and automated reporting could make the accreditation process seamless.

Axiom Healthcare Services ditched spreadsheets to improve the way they collect data. Their new data infrastructure allowed them to seamlessly report critical metrics for the Joint Commission.

At the start, Axiom faced a few challenges:

  • No method for managing referrals across multiple locations: The plan was to have the referral coordinators manage referrals and sources through spreadsheets. They quickly anticipated that this would not be sustainable.
  • No centralized place to capture dozens of metrics: Each metric they wanted to measure, posed a new challenge of determining how to capture that data. Multiply that problem by two locations and this led to team members recreating the wheel at each hospital over and over again.
  • Difficult to collaborate and conflicting reports: Because the bulk of their metrics resided in spreadsheets, it created data silos that lived with the individuals that created the spreadsheets. This made it difficult to collaborate in real time and have up to date reporting. If reports conflicted, it was difficult to know which was the “source of truth.”

The Results

Through in-depth discussions with the Axiom Healthcare Team, Moonbase Labs built a customized portal that solved three problems:

  1. Established an integrated admissions process: The admissions team was able to manage referrals and move patients through the admissions process for both locations in tandem. There was a single source of truth and communication and collaboration was seamless.
  2. Built a tool that could grow with their team: Over the course of our partnership, Axiom’s needs have changed. New metrics have been added, workflows have been expanded and we deliver new features every couple months. We built infrastructure that was flexible so it could shift when the need arose. One of our proudest moments was when we shipped a new Covid-19 tracking feature at the height of the pandemic. Axiom shared their challenge with us and we were able to ship a new feature in less than a week.
  3. Brought the data to life: With everyone working off of their own spreadsheets, management had blurred visibility in the day-to-day operations of each location. Using Tableau, Moonbase Labs was able to harness the data to create clear, insightful visualizations. The executive team used interactive tools to understand their company at a deeper level. For the first time, they could see visual representation of their census as patients flowed in and out of the hospital.

After nearly three years of using the portal, Axiom has gone from having no formalized admissions process to a sophisticated, collaborative workflow that helps guide referrals through the admissions process to become patients. In the same span, we’ve added the ability to measure over a dozen metrics like hand hygiene, employee injuries, flu vaccines and many more.

The Takeaway

By organizing all of their information into a single, shared space, Axiom Healthcare was able to improve their collaboration, streamline communication and feel confident that everyone was looking at the same information. This increased visibility of their data, saved everyone time, and improved the quality of care Axiom was able to provide.

“I appreciate the Moonbase Labs team and their willingness to work with us and give us input on how to get the most out of our portal. They really listen to our needs and create tools that work with our workflow rather than giving us tools that are easy for them to manage, that means a lot!”
Jan Ediger, Regional Health Information Manager

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